Fitness Standards
Indoor Testing
Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (Beep Test)
20 Meter beep test or 21.87 yards
5 Meter recovery walk
Fit Standard - Start at 16.6 Get to 17.5 or Highest Level
Yo-Yo IRTL 1 Test Example Video
Yo-Yo IRTL 1 Test Audio Sound Cloud
Yo-Yo IRTL 1 Fit Standards for WOMEN
Elite > 17.5
Excellent 16.6-17.5
Good 15.6-16.5
Average 14.6-15.5
Below Average 13.1-14.5
Poor < 13.1
Outdoor Testing
Fit standard - 7 Minutes or Less
Half Mile
Fit standard - 3 Minutes or Less
Quarter Mile
Fit standard - 75 Seconds or Less
12 Minute Cooper
Fit standard - 6 1/2 Laps or More
players must run 120 yards in 20 seconds. Players then have the remaining minute (40 seconds) to run back to the starting point.
There are 10 total Runs.
After the 4th and 7th run, you get an extra 30 second rest.
Fit standard - Pass all 10 runs